Thompsons Adventures in Europe

This is the place we are going to journal our family trip to Europe. Hope you will enjoy following along and sending us messages.

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Location: Washington State, United States

Welcome! My name is Karen, initials K.A.T. Join my husband Don and I as we journey around and about.

Friday, October 13

Guten tag!

Ho Hum...another day, another country. :) Doris, did I spell above right (not counting if there are any weird little symbol thingys to go above the letters)? We crossed the French border yesterday (Thurs) & entered Germany at Freidburg; we are just barely in Germany as the Swiss border is only a few kilometers away, but they want a lot of money to drive on their autobahns, plus they don't use Euro, so I think we will skip it. Anyway, we left Paris and drove south just a bit to Chartres for the magnificent cathedral there. Tweet, I lit a candle to St. Therese for you and have a pic of it. Then we only made it to a toll booth parking area just south west of Paris for the night as we could find no campgrounds. Also the express roads run roughly north/south into Paris and we were trying to get east to Germany, so the going was slow. But last night we stayed in a proper campground and had a proper dinner and hot showers. YAY! So today (Fri) we will try to get to Garmisch, to the military post there to mail some things home and for Nils to see if he can get the job he wants. We will try to squeeze in a visit to one of Ludwigs castles, then it's south to Italy. ~K


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Nils for doing a posting. It was very enjoyable; do some more. Vicki & Pat are @ airport waiting to go home. Had great week! Sending blog address to them so they can keep track of your travels. Sent Kerstin her postcard.

2:33 PM  

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